Buying Organic Food on a Budget

the farmer's market is a great way for people to find organic food that is inexpensiveYou’ve decided to go vegan, vegetarian, or simply want to add more plants to your diet. You’ve been looking for organic food choices, but you’re finding that the cost is too much for your budget. What’s a person to do? Utilize the following tips to find organic food that is healthy, tasteful, and most importantly—fits within your budget.

1. Farmer’s Markets & Other Non-Supermarket Options

Take to the farmer’s markets instead of forcing yourself to stay within your local grocery store. Common grocery stores have small organic food sections and they are priced accordingly. Farmer’s markets are a great way to get fresh and organic food without paying handsomely for it. Another option is to find a health food store or even a gourmet deli. Look for places that specialize in organic food and you’ll get the best deals.

2. Join a Co-Op

Choosing to join a co-op can help with discounts. A food cooperative is a member-owned business that offers food products to its members at a discount (occasionally non-food products as well). Many of these products are organic or even come from local family farms. Check out to find one near you today.

3. Buy In-Season & Buy In Bulk

When you’re shopping, buy more. Buying in bulk is a good way to make sure every dollar counts. Beans, nuts, and grains often come in bulk containers. Salmon and meats can be frozen for a few months if packaged properly after arriving home. Another great way to stretch your dollar is to buy big in-season. The organic fruits and vegetables that are in season tend to be far less expensive than those that are out of season. Try to stay in season as much as possible to end up with the lowest price at check out.

It doesn’t have to be expensive to eat organic food, but it is likely to cost more than eating non-organically. However, by following these simple tips, you’ll have a much better chance of eating organically AND staying within your budget. Let the health craze begin.